Валяная шапка «Лиса» (коллекция «Тотем»)
Валяная шапка из авторской коллекции «Тотем» выполнена вручную из шерсти австралийского мериноса в технике мокрого валяния и отделана экомехом.
Шапка на холодную весну/осень или зиму.
Care recommendations
Бережная ручная стирка в тёплой мыльной воде.
Сушка в расправленном виде.
The item is not stamped on the conveyor. This means that it is impossible to create a copy that is absolutely identical to the original. The author will always strive to ensure that the item is as similar as possible to what you see in the photographs, however, an item made to order may have slight differences in the texture and/or pattern of the materials used, color, size, weight, etc.
Due to the color rendition of some devices, the color of the product may slightly differ from what is shown in the photographs or displayed on the screen of your device.