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“Lady de Luna” doll

The mask faltered, moved to the side, for a moment opened the noble profile of the lady. A light smile illuminates her face, her eyes are mesmerizing, inspire hope. Who is she, a mysterious stranger hiding behind a mask. What she seeks at the carnival, where all life is a theater, changeable and unstable, without prohibitions and barriers.

Subtle features, chiseled profile, impeccable figure, almond-shaped eyes, tenderness in every detail. She bowed her head, thinking about something, but only for a few seconds. Now the mask will return to its place and the carnival whirlwind will carry it away.

The doll is handmade of classical material — porcelain. The mask is papier-mâché. Suit made of antique fabrics with hand embroidery.


  • Clay (porcelain)
  • Textile (antique)

Dimensions and weight

25 cm
9.8 in
35 cm
1 ft 1.8 in
75 cm
2 ft 5.5 in
1.5 kg
3 lb 4.9 oz

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